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    In the last years, the humans haven't taken into consideration this important factor, every day we contaminated and contaminated our environment without thinking in the damage we are doing to ourselves. Especially the big industries that often throw their waste in the rivers, polluting river that themselves and their families use, my question is how we were in the future if we don’t take care our environment? If we continue in this form we have to affront the consequences in the future, where we find the fatal results, this is the more important than the economic earnings that the business can obtain, because we can’t live without our environment.


    Unfortunately we aren’t only the living organism affected, but also defenseless animals, many times because the man, the animals had been left without home and food.


    In the last time, the man, became a huge threat to the animals, endangered animals have disappeared because we destroy their natural habitat and also we kill them, is why there are more animals in danger of extinction, the pollution of the river killed thousands of fishes, the illegal hunting, the indiscriminate cutting of trees or just the changes of the ecosystem, as climate change, that are happening in this moment and unfortunately this endangered animals aren’t used to that climate conditions and sometimes is impossible adapted to those changes.


   The damage occasioned to the environment and to the defenseless animals are too difficult to repair, is necessary make conscious the humanity about the amazing and important that is the nature, the animals, in few words our environment.

The problem

The solution

Take care of the environment is not a hard work, some people think that is difficult to do alone, but there are lots of actions that we can do by ourselves and are going to preserve the life on the planet.


We are going to teach you some tips to help the environment:



Is one of the easiest form to fight the global warming, because we avoid generate more contamination, we should know who to recycle separate the materials in: plastic, metal, glass, paper and aluminum.


2.Use the public transport

The travels in cars make lot of fumes; but if you go to the school or the work by bus, bicycle or walking you’re going to avoid making more smoke.


3.Turn off the light

Turn off the lights you don´t need. You must change the common to fluorescent bulbs, because they consume less electricity.


4.Don´t misspend more water

To save the water you should: don’t take long showers, be sure to lock the faucet.



5.Minimizes the use of batteries

Don’t throw anywhere and use rechargeable batteries

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